Landscaping by the Month: December

Posted on December 12, 2018

The year is coming to a close and with it comes frigid weather. For most of us in New England, we don’t even want to think about going out into the cold. No matter if it’s snow or windchill, the indoors are so much cozier. Still, with the end of the year comes New Year Resolutions. As you think up a list of to-do’s for the New Year, you’ve probably named a few aspects of your yard you’d like to change. Landscaping in December is the best way to decorate and prepare for the spring. Talk to your landscaper in Weston about how you can get your yard ready. For starters, consider this advice for landscaping in December!

It’s All about the Trees

The holidays are here, and they’re coming at you one after another in December. The easiest way to decorate your yard for the season is to focus on your trees. Trees are a staple of Christmas decorating, but adding lights to your yard makes your house look festive for the entire season. Try net lighting for a quick and easy way to brighten up your yard.

Start Inside

When you’re thinking about all the plants you’d like to garden in the spring, consider which plants you can start growing indoors. For example, amaryllis bulbs can be planted in pots inside, so they bloom before the weather warms. Then come spring, your landscaper in Weston can transplant them to your garden for immediate color.


Not everything has to wait for the spring when it comes to your gardens. One thing you can do to get ahead of the game starts with planting beds. Laying down straw, leaves, or other organic material over bare soil can add nutrients to your garden beds. Mulching in the winter is also an option. So long as the ground isn’t frozen yet, you can plant bulbs for the spring.

No matter what time of year it is, or what time of year you’re planning for, landscaping is always a good idea for your yard. While December’s cold weather wants to keep you inside, don’t be afraid of working on your yard. For a landscaper in Weston, contact Cataldo Landscape and MAsonry at 781-304-8900 or visit us online.