Four Things That Prove Trees Need Pruning

Posted on June 25, 2018

pruning in Wellesley, MAKeeping up with your lawn can get difficult. There are many things to look after and bear in mind, but preventative services can make a significant difference while eliminating issues. Pruning not only makes trees look great, but it also keeps people safe and can improve tree health. If you’re unsure of if you need to call us for pruning in Wellesley, MA, think of these indicators. Should they sound familiar, you need to give us a call!



1.) Long, hazardous branches

Your backyard can feel like an oasis when you sit back and relax in it. Still, there are plenty of things in your yard that can be dangerous if you leave them unchecked. Even if they’re far enough from your home, long branches can pose safety risks for those who come into contact with them. Pruning ensures that these branches are manageable and don’t creep into areas that get a lot of foot traffic.


2.) Tree rot

Some people think that if a tree has a damaged area that the entire thing needs to get removed at a moment’s notice. That is not the case. If you get pruning in Wellesley, MA from Cataldo, we will remove any dead, rotting, or otherwise useless parts of a tree and will ensure that your tree’s health remains intact. It’s crucial to keep them healthy.


3.) Excess insects

Give insects enough time and space, and they’ll make significant homes in your yard. The results can be frustrating. Eliminate the possibility by getting rid of dead or diseased branches so that they have no room to enter a tree. Pruning’s goal is to make a tree healthier and get rid of other things that can make a tree worse, so it only makes sense that getting rid of any insect entry points will be beneficial.


4.) Too much coverage

Sure, some shade is lovely, but it’s better to find the perfect balance between sunlight and coverage. If any tree canopy is too large, it’s best to get rid of excess branches to let more sunshine in and make your yard healthier.



Pruning is a great way to maintain your trees and make them last longer. Cataldo Landscape & Masonry is happy to provide pruning in Wellesley, MA, so don’t hesitate to contact us. Give us a call at (781)-304-8900 and see what we can do for you today!